Upcoming Events
Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemass)
During this service the candles that you use in your homes will be blessed. Those candles symbolise the light and hope in our lives. We will also take part in a beautiful procession within the church, coming together as a community in faith and joy.
Note that the end time of the service as given is approximate
Black History Month - African Drumming Session and Dinner
Multi-instrumentalist Sadio Sissoko will set the tone of our month-long Black History Month celebration when he will share his enthusiastic talents on African drums and other instruments. We will then enjoy an African-Caribbean feast from Zimbabwe, Nigeria and the Caribbean. The cost is a free-will offering. For more information please contact the office. We would like to make sure we have enough food for all.
If you would like to come, please email sscometochurch@gmail.com
More information on this event is forthcoming!
Service with Baptism
In this week’s service we will witness and pray for Memphis as he is baptised during the 10:00 a.m. service.
And stay for cake and refresments after
Note that the end time given for the service is approximate
Baden-Powell (Scouts and Guides) Sunday
Baden Powell Sunday is a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together and honor the values we cherish in scouting and guides. Guider Kathy Gibb, one of our parishioners, will be our guest speaker for the service. Her insights and experiences as a guide will surely inspire us all.
We hope the 123 Scout group, with whom we share our space, will be able to join us for the service and a reception immediately following the service.
Note that the end time given for the service is approximate.
Annual Parish Vestry Meeting
The Annual Vestry Sunday will be held immediately following a brief reception with the Scouts and Guides. The meeting will likely begin at 12:00 p.m., allowing us time to have lunch and fellowship time with our guests.
Please bring a brown bag lunch. Tea and coffee will be served.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
We will be having a pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday, 4 March, 2025. Just show up for a delicious meal of pancakes and all the fixin’s. There will be a free-will offering.
The pancake supper will be followed by a brief Imposition of Ashes service upstairs in the church a 6.50 pm.
Women's Afternoon Group
All women are invited to come to our Monday afternoon women’s group. We enjoy cards, board games and fellowship. Tea, coffee and treats are served.
If you need a drive, please call 613 828 2472
10.00 am Christmas Service
Come and join us at our Christmas Morning Eucharist, in person or on Zoom.
Note that the end time given for the service is approximate.
9.00 pm Christmas Eve Service
Come and join us at our evening Christmas Eve Service. The service will feature music and Christmas liturgy. “all ye faithful joyful and triumphant will come to behold the king of angels and adore Christ the Lord”
Note that the end time given for the service is approximate.
4.00 pm Family Christmas Eve Service
We will hold two Christmas Eve services. The 4.00 pm service will be family-friendly and full of joyous and triumphant celebration. Come and join our Christmas family service.
Children Family Christmas Party and Parish Potluck
Parents, grandparents, and your families are welcomed to a festive celebration featuring a Children/Youth Christmas liturgy, gingerbread house decorating, and games/activities. The event will end with a potluck supper. It will be a joyful and memorable event for the whole family to enjoy. Come and join us.
Women's Group Christmas party with Carol sing-along
Our Women’s group is having a sing-along with games and Christmas sweets. Spouses and friends are very welcome. Come and join in the singing!
Child Dedication Sunday and Decorating the Church
A young member of our congregation will be dedicated during the service. This tradition symbolizes the parent’s commitment to raise their child in a loving and nurturing environment, guided by the principals of faith.
Immediately after the service we will decorate the church for Christmas. Please come and help prepare our church for the celebration of Christ’s birth.
Please note that the end time of this service is approximate.
White Gift Sunday
Our White Gift Sunday will be celebrated on the Sunday closest to St. Nicholas Day. White Gift Sunday is a special day in the spirit of St. Nicholas to collect cash gifts that will be used to support those in need in our community during the Christmas Season.
Contributions are always welcome by e-transfer to: sstreasurer@googlegroups.com
Please mark your gifts as “White Gift”. Thank you.
Algonquin Campus Ministry Advent/Christmas Concert
Churches and organizations that support the Algonquin College Ministry will come together in the spirit of the season and raise funds to support the chaplaincy at Algonquin Collect. The concert will be held here at St. Stephen’s. All are warmly invited to what will be a wonderful and uplifting evening.
World AIDS Day
This day holds special importance as we raise awareness about the ongoing challenges of AIDS, particularly in many African countries. We will reflect on the impact of this pandemic and the importance of supporting organizations like Grandmother to Grandmother that provide crucial assistance to those affected by HIV/AIDS.
Evening (by Zoom) Advent Book Study - 27 Nov, 4 & 11 Dec
Evening group: A three-week Advent Study will be held on Zoom, Wednesdays 27 Nov, 4 & 11 Dec.
The study will use the same materials as the day time Advent Book Study.
The group will study and discuss the book “I am a Church Member” by Thomas Rainer. The book explores what it means to be a member of the church. Reiner emphasizes that church membership is not merely a title but a call to active engagement in our community. It's about being a living, breathing part of the body of Christ, contributing our unique gifts; time, talent and treasurer. It is about engaging in regular prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers is essential for nurturing our faith and staying connected with God's purpose for our lives and the church. The book does not shy away from acknowledging the challenges that church members might face, from personal struggles to broader issues affecting the church community. Reiner encourages us to face these challenges together, leaning on our faith and each other for support and guidance.
There are several copies of the book available, so if you would like one please call the office to reserve. Participants are encouraged to reach a chapter or two in advance.
The evening will end with evening prayer.
If you would like to participate by Zoom but are not on the Parish email list, please call or email the office and your name will be added for you to receive the link.
Day time Advent Book Study - Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11
A three-week Advent Study will be held on Wednesdays Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11.
The group will study and discuss the book “I am a Church Member” by Thomas Rainer. The book explores what it means to be a member of the church. Reiner emphasizes that church membership is not merely a title but a call to active engagement in our community. It's about being a living, breathing part of the body of Christ, contributing our unique gifts; time, talent and treasurer. It is about engaging in regular prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers is essential for nurturing our faith and staying connected with God's purpose for our lives and the church. The book does not shy away from acknowledging the challenges that church members might face, from personal struggles to broader issues affecting the church community. Reiner encourages us to face these challenges together, leaning on our faith and each other for support and guidance.
Several copies of the book are available. If you would like one please call to reserve a copy. Participants are encouraged to read a chapter or two in advance.
Eucharist: 10.30 am
Book Study: 11 am
Soup Lunch: 12 noon
Please call the church office to register for the study as we want to make sure there is enough soup for all!
If you are not on the Parish email list but would like to come along, please give the office a call.
Sing, pray, Scripture, play and Eat
Here is a note from our Rector, The Canon Reverend George Kwari: It suddenly dawned on me that it was almost impossible to spend meaningful time with the youngest members of our church on Sunday. So, after months of prayer and consultation and with the help of Hilary, the once-a-month Children and Youth Service was born. We often begin the day with a worship service designed for the youngest members of our congregation. Immediately following, we proceed to the Fellowship Hall for a time of learning and creative playing, ending with a shared family dinner. Please bring your children, grandchildren or children’s friends to the service.
All are welcome to this meaningful and fun time with our church community.
Alongside Hope
In a special double celebration on Wednesday, November 20, St. Stephen's will have the privilege of hosting the first gathering of the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) under its new name, Alongside
In a special double celebration on Wednesday, November 20, St. Stephen's will have the privilege of hosting the first gathering of the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) under its new name, Alongside Hope. This marks a historic moment for us.
The evening will feature Zimbabwean dinner dishes (Sadza, beef stew, fat cooks) complemented by a variety of desserts from several parishes across our diocese, including sweets from the Church of Epiphany and homemade soup.
A Question-and-Answer session, moderated by The Reverend Canon George Kwari and The Venerable Patrick Stephens, will provide deeper insights into the impact of the partnership.
You are invited to join us in welcoming our distinguished guests and celebrating the spirit of community and hope
Remembrance Sunday
We will take time to remember those who have died in service, and those who have survived but came home forever altered. Our service will include a moment of silence, special music and prayers.
All Souls Day
On this Sunday we will take time to pray and celebrate the lives of tose who have passed away since November 1, 2023. Families and friends are invited to attend and participate by lighting a candle. It will be a time of reflecction and remembrance of those we miss.
Note that the end time of the service as given is approximate.
Fall Food Fair
Once again St. Stephen’s will be holding a Fall Food Fair. Come and enjoy a special occasion with baking, frozen foods, jams and jellies and so much more.
Doors open at 9.30 am
Coffee and muffins served: 9.30 am - 11.00 am
The best lunch in town served: 11.00 am - 12.30 pm
Service of Belonging
Join us in welcoming new parishioners who have joined St. Stephen’s in the past year with a service that will include special liturgy.
Note that the end time of the service as shown is approximate
Service celebrating Seniors National Day
Jennifer Lalonde, Executive Director of Ottawa West Community Support will be our guest speaker at the service. Ottawa West Community Support (OWCS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a wide range of social services and programs to seniors, adults with disabilities and caregivers in the area. Jennifer will highlight first hand stories and experiences that show the importance of community support.
Note that the end time shown of the service is approximate.
Dinner, Music and Silent Auction on behalf of Refuge NOW
Refuge NOW is an ecumenical coalition of West Ottawa churches that sponsor refugees. The fundraising event will serve as a platform to celebrate the achievements of Refuge NOW and support raising funds to sponsor more families and individuals in need.
If you would like more information on attending the dinner, please contact margmuirhead@rogers.com
Parish Town Hall Meeting
Following Sunday 16th September “Vision and Mission Service” to present our new vision and mission for our parish, we will have opportunity to ask questions, offer suggestions and help in setting priorities for our parish. We will also receive presentations from members of the steering committee. Do plan to attend this important event in the life of our church.
Parish Vision and Mission Sunday
We will hear from Russ and the visioning Steering Committee who are working on a new Vision and Mission and setting goals and objectives for our future. Come and attend this service so that we can all be engaged in process.
Note that the end time of the service as given is approximate
Back to School Family Service (Saturday)
All Children, youth and adults are invited to our Back-to-School gathering. We will start with a brief service with a blessing of backpacks and prayers for our children and youth. We will join in uplifting music. Following the service we will go downstairs to the church all for games and fun. The afternoon will be wrapped up with pizza and ice cream.
To ensure we have enough food and activities for everyone, please register for the event using this link. https://forms.gle/VZugB84X6X2e4pMY7
Welcome Sunday and Ice Cream Sundae
To kick off the fall season, come to our Welcome Back Sunday. Following the service we invite you to join us for an Ice-Cream Sundae at fellowship.
Note that the time given for the service is approximate.
Come use our labyrinth this Summer
We have a lovely labyrinth for you to use for your meditation or quiet time. You can find the labyrinth at the front of the church on Watson Street. Look for the church sign, go down the steps and there it is. There is comfy bench so come and sit a while and enjoy the garden.
Happy Canada Day Service
This Sunday we will be celebrating Canada Day at the 10:00 a.m. service. To add to the spirit of the celebration, if you have anything red to wear, please do so. All are welcomed as we come together as a diverse community to celebrate, reflect on and enjoy our nation.
Summer Sundays ~ Lemonade on the Labyrinth
On sunny Sundays, you are invited to step outside after summer services. Join us on the labyrinth lawn for refreshments and friendship.
Outdoor Service and Church Picnic
Come rain or shine we will hold our outdoor service and church picnic on the labyrinth at the Watson Street side of the church. Well …. if it rains, both the service and picnic meal will be in the basement. Bring your lawn chair, hat, water, and sunscreen. Come and enjoy all the trimmings of a church picnic - hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, cookies, ice cream. Games for children. No need to sign up, just come and a warm welcome awaits you.
The Big Give
God loves you, and we love you, and that’s just how it should be! Join us for a nation wide expression of God’s love for all. This giant garage sale has clothes, shoes, toys, small appliances, and breakfast of coffee, tea, juice and muffins. And it’s all free!
Pentecost Sunday with Combined Service and Community Lunch
To complete the Easter celebrations, our Pentecost Service will be held with our friends from Jesus is Lord church (who share our building). The service will be followed by a combined lunch. You are invited to come and celebrate the diversity and beauty of our community.
Please note that the end time of this service as posted is approximate.