Christian Education
A supervised nursery is provided for babies and toddlers in the lower hall. Parents or guardians are welcome to stay with their child if they choose.
Church School
This includes an active group of children from Kindergarten to Grade 6. The curriculum includes a wide range of activities. Each Sunday the children listen to a children’s focused talk at the beginning of the 10:00 a.m. service before going to their program.
Cell Groups
St. Stephen’s currently has an active group of women who meet twice monthly either in members’ homes or on zoom. They study by using materials on a wide variety of topics that have included videos, books, study guides and the Bible. New members are always welcome. Please call the office for information.
Anyone is welcome to borrow reading material from our collection of books and videos housed in the Rayner-Shalom Room.
Bible Study
Bible study sessions, led by the clergy, are held during Advent and Lent. Past sessions have included topics such as “How to Read the Bible”, exploring the Parables, the Book of Malachi and the Book of Isaiah.
Preparation for baptism, receiving communion and confirmation is led by clergy as it is needed. Baptisms are scheduled several times per year, with preparation preceding each one.