St. Stephen’s Vision:
Who We Are
St. Stephen’s Anglican Church aspires to be a worshipping and caring Christian community, dedicated to knowing Christ and making Him known through worship, witness, fellowship, service and education by commitment of our God given gifts of time, talent, money and other resources.
Whoever you are and wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome. We call ourselves a church without walls because we want no barriers between you and the message of God’s unconditional love, extended to you right here and right now through Jesus Christ. Here in this church God says, “I will bless you. You belong. This is my family, and you have a place in it.”
We Seek to Be:
Welcoming, inclusive, optimistic and flexible worship time
Child-friendly worship time
Bible-based teaching
Celebrating our faith through dynamic, Spirit-led worship, music and preaching
Leading by example through community outreach both locally and internationally
Ongoing discernment to identify the best ways of serving a changing community
Absolute commitment to Jesus in all that we do and relating to the Gospel to today’s world
Learning the Gospel as it relates to our lives in today’s world so as to build the core of our church community
Flexible use of our resources
Supporting parishioners to regularly share their faith journeys so as to encourage others in theirs
Encouraging more active involvement of parishioners in our neighbourhood outreach programs
Using examples of our “mission field” as practical lessons for the “Called” part of our vision